banner clinics


Dates: Jun 20 - Aug 22 (THU)
Times: Varied
Location: Richfield Ice Arena

Duration: 4 practices (4.5 Hours of Ice)
Cost: $115
Part-Time Options Available

Learn new skills to help you play your position better. DISCOUNT if you participate in both Defense & Forwards Position Specific Clinics (Cost: $210 for 8 practices / 9 Hours of Ice).


Thursday 6/20 8:00 - 09:00pm Richfield Ice Arena
Thursday 7/11 7:30 - 09:00pm Richfield Ice Arena
Thursday 8/01 9:15 - 10:15pm Richfield Ice Arena
Thursday 8/22 7:45 - 08:45pm Richfield Ice Arena


What's Covered

  • Playing 1on1s, 2on1s, etc.
  • Being a Good Partner
  • Keeping an Active Stick
  • Gap Control / Step Ups
  • Defending the Inside Rink
  • & More!!!


Chalk Talks

Prior to each practice, we will offer an optional Chalk Talk where we will cover the why & what is to be covered on the ice.


Missed Practice Option

If you miss a practice in your primary clinic, you are welcome to make it up at any of the other currently running CWS clinics.