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banner clinics


Dates: Mar 19 - May 14 (TUE, MON)
Times: Varied
Location: Braemar Arena (Edina)

Duration: 7 practices
Cost: $175
Part-Time Options Available

6 Tuesdays & 1 Monday. This clinic will address the three important stick skills (including puck protection) needed to play the game of hockey: puck control, passing and shooting.


Tuesday 3/19 8:00 - 09:00pm Braemar Arena
Tuesday 3/26 8:00 - 09:00pm Braemar Arena
Tuesday 4/02 7:40 - 08:40pm Braemar Arena
Monday 4/08 9:20 - 10:20pm Braemar Arena
Tuesday 4/23 9:15 - 10:15pm Braemar Arena
Tuesday 4/30 9:15 - 10:15pm Braemar Arena
Sunday 5/13 9:15 - 10:15pm Braemar Arena

The first practice will be half stick-handling and half passing, covering many basics. The remaining 6 practices will loosely follow the following format: 15 minutes - PUCK CONTROL, 15 minutes - PASSING, rest - SHOOTING.